Saturday, March 29, 2014

Of chickens & Radiators

Measureable progress!

My wife has been sporting a new mantra and "15 minutes a day" for any large project. She means it in regards to our family's goal of getting the back yard ready for chickens and expanding the garden. Only we're not doing 15 minutes, we're doing a bit more :). Fortunately we're all on board and things are going fast.

Last week, on the yard front, we measured out and marked where fences for the chicken run and garden will be. We also cleared out all the briar & 3 stumps from shrubs we previously removed.

After the garden work,  A.J. & I drained the oil & coolant then pulled the radiator and cowl.

Today the girls went to a class on chicks while I spent time with my youngest. After the class, I took 10 minutes to go unhook the oil cooler and was able to actually remove the radiator cowl from the car. I then took a few more minutes to remove the thermostat cover. This gives a great view of the front of the engine now. Pardon the grainy images, I'm working with my camera phone which is several years old.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

It's been a while

Wow. It's been a while and it's currently quite late. In the previous post I was getting ready to spin up Lady after I got the rear breaks done. When I crawled back under to fasten the line back in place, I noticed just how badly the seals on the drive line, engine and transmission were leaking so I gave up the ghost on the "rolling rebuild" and the project fell by the wayside again. I wound up buying a '98 Mini Cooper with a full sun roof (The convertible flexed way too much at speed). I call her "Lilith" (she's all in black and misunderstood). In the last few weeks, I've made another pass on the garage to start getting back to Lady. My hope is to pull the Engine & Tranny this Summer.