Saturday, May 12, 2012

Cleaning out the garage..

I've been wanting a new car for a while now. Something fun to drive while I spend years rebuilding my MGB. I even got within striking distance of having the money ready to go, but I've decided to get my B ("Lady") back on the road and enjoy her instead. The thing is, she's actually in great shape and I can do what I'm calling a "rolling rebuild" over a number of years (enjoy her spring, summer & fall) then rebuild something during the winter.

First step, however, is getting to her. She's in the garage up on jack stands and covered in dust, surrounded by stuff... crap... boxes... bikes and … <SIGH>… I've been slowly working on this first step for the last 2 months. Last weekend I finally got my rolling tool boxes into their intended spots and cleaned off. I even got one of them organized. A part of this was gathering all my tools from various places in the house. At this point if someone asked me for a specific tool, I could go right to it and grab it. I don't think I have adequate words to express how good that feels.

Today's mission was to empty and break down about 13 linear feet of shelving that are 1/2 of the divider between our two garage bays. That will make working on her much easier (less crowded). I managed to get it done by throwing a bunch of down right garbage out, shifting some storage stuff to high shelves in our garden shed and putting together a large pile destined for good will. With the shelves gone, I can comfortably sit in front of her passenger side rear break drum and work on it. No picture because it's currently dark, with no light in the front of the garage and the phone only takes grainy pictures with its flash.

Next plans are to get some ceiling mounted shelves to put the rest of the storage stuff on to so I can take down the remainder of the shelves and then start work on the car. First step there is new rear breaks.  AJ & I are going to paint the drums (they look much nicer through the wire wheels). He and I are both excited.