Sunday, January 22, 2012

Very cool lego sorter built out of legos.

Getting started

Wow. A blog. Um okay.
First post stuff: I'm a software developer with 5 kids and too many hobbies. My main goal in life has always been to be a good person and resultantantly a good dad, beyond that I'm into classic British cars and building Legos. My other hobbies and interests are too many to bother listing.

I have a long range dream to rebuild my 1965 MGB with my kids over a span of years, hopefully starting in 2 years. I have to clean out the garage and the smallest kid is still 2 & 1/2, so we don't have time or space for the project, yet. I figured a blog would be a good way to chronicle the journey.

Lego. I love building and the kids have fun building with and without dad. A friend pointed out there are a lot of builders out there who keep blogs on their creations, I'll probably do some of that here, too.

Blogging on a tablet is a less than ideal paradigm.